Andrew Sommer

Partner | Sydney
+61 2 9353 4837


Andrew has leading experience in a wide range of indirect tax matters, having commenced practice in 1994 at a leading accounting firm and moved to Clayton Utz in 1998. Closely involved in the implementation of GST in Australia, he is well placed to bring more than 20 years of experience in GST and almost 30 years of experience in indirect tax to our client's matters. Andrew has taught postgraduate courses in GST for both the University of Sydney and UNSW, served on the ATO's Indirect Tax Rulings Panel for 12 years and represented the Law Council of Australia at the GST Stewardship Group (and its predecessor bodies) for more than a decade.


Level 15
1 Bligh Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Telephone +61 2 9353 4000