Clayton Utz awarded Gold Employer status for LGBTI workplace inclusion

23 May 2017

Sydney, 23 May 2017: Clayton Utz is the only law firm and one of just ten organisations nationally to be awarded the prestigious Gold Employer status for LGBTI workplace inclusion, announced at the 2017 Australian LGBTI Inclusion Awards last Friday.

Assessed against Pride in Diversity's Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI), the national benchmarking instrument for LGBTI workplace inclusion, the Gold Employer status recognises the ten highest scoring organisations for their substantial work in supporting LGBTI employees. This year, Gold Employers equated to the top 8.6% of the 116 employers participating in the AWEI.

Clayton Utz Chief Executive Partner (CEP) Rob Cutler said he was proud of the firm's progress to date on LGBTI workplace inclusion.

"Clayton Utz is committed to cultivating a workplace where everyone can be comfortable being themselves, and our LGBTI Alliance is instrumental in ensuring our approach to LGBTI inclusion is sustainable and progressive," Rob said. "Being named a Gold Employer is a tremendous feat and demonstrates the incredible impact our approach has had in supporting and empowering our LGBTI people and allies."

Key LGBTI inclusion initiatives at Clayton Utz include LGBTI awareness training for employees, clients and suppliers, best practice policies and community advocacy, such as for transgender children's rights. The firm also provides pro bono legal support to LGBTI charities and individuals and CEP Rob Cutler was one of 20 Australian CEOs who recently signed a joint letter urging the Australian Government to support marriage equality.

Rob also congratulated the other participating organisations for their involvement in the AWEI and their success at the Awards. "Clayton Utz is proud to join the growing cohort of leading organisations embracing LGBTI workplace inclusion, and we look forward to collaborating and learning from you as we continue to build on our efforts."

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