CU Connect

The traditional legal career path is evolving. By consulting with us you can expand your experience, develop your skill set and work on a variety of assignments with top-tier organisations in a range of sectors.
CU Connect
Are you looking for flexibility, variety and greater control of your career? CU Connect is our resourcing solution where we connect lawyers with a range of opportunities, both short and long term, to work at Clayton Utz or in-house with our clients.
Hear from Colin Sloan CU Connect Consultant - What did you like about CU Connect that made you want to get involved?
I heard about CU Connect through the CU Alumni network. Having someone else out there, looking for opportunities for me seemed like a good idea. It was not long after I signed up that the first in-house opportunity came up at Optus.
I really enjoyed working in the legal team at the Optus Campus Sydney. It is set out like a mini-Google with restaurants, cafes and bars on site. There are also plenty of pool, football and table tennis tables dotted around campus to keep you entertained. Not to mention the big screens everywhere showing Optus Sports. The place has a fun atmosphere which makes working there quite enjoyable. Of course, the quality of the legal work at Optus was also a big draw card and I was able to get involved in some “world-first” matters.
Once the assignment at Optus finished, CU Connect found a new in-house legal role for me at WaterNSW. The team at WaterNSW have been great. They have given me the opportunity to work on some interesting projects, utilising my skills as an infrastructure lawyer. The fact that the WaterNSW team also allows remote working is a big plus as I am based in Newcastle.
Overall, for me, it is the quality of the legal work, the calibre of the clients and the flexible working arrangements that have been the highlights of the assignments sourced through CU Connect.
What skills are we seeking?
To be eligible to be a CU Connect consultant, you will need:
- 5+ years' experience in private practice or an in-house role
- to be located and have the right to work in Australia
- to hold or be eligible for an Australian practising certificate
How will it work?
Lawyers who join CU Connect will be able to enter into fixed term opportunities with Clayton Utz and our clients. The nature and number of opportunities will depend on your skills and availability. CU Connect lawyers can be employed on a maximum term contract or as an independent contractor. We will work with you to find the best arrangement to suit your needs.
Why would I sign up?
You might be looking to explore a different or non-traditional career path, or you may be looking for greater balance between your personal and work commitments.
The benefits of signing up include:
- experience working for high profile clients or matters;
- working to a schedule that suits your lifestyle;
- access to firm resources and in some cases (depending on employment status) firm benefits;
- flexibility to work when and on the basis you choose.
Can I work for anyone else?
Due to the nature of flexible working, it is likely that throughout your time with CU Connect you may work for other organisations. We will assess each situation on a case-by-case basis and work with you to manage any conflict issues that may arise.
Meet the team