Media Release: Clayton Utz and KPMG launch state of LGBTIQ allyship report and guide for active engagement

26 Aug 2021

Brisbane, 26 August 2021: Clayton Utz has teamed up with KPMG to launch a practical guide for organisations on how they can engage their people in being active allies for LGBTIQ+ inclusion.

"I voted yes, what's next?" explores the state of allyship in Australia and ways that employers of any size can actively increase ally engagement and further inclusion for LGBTIQ+  employees. It's the culmination of a workshop jointly led by Clayton Utz and KPMG in March 2021, with ten organisations coming together to explore these themes.

Clayton Utz partner and Chair of the Brisbane LGBTIQ Committee, Phil Bisset, said the important role allies played in advocating for LGBTIQ inclusion and building a diverse and inclusive workplace could not be understated.

"As a parent and relative of teenagers and young adults who identify as part of the LGBTIQ community, I see firsthand the enormous contribution that various allies have made to their lives," he said. "We want to encourage more people to be active allies and show their support in tangible ways," he said.

I vote yes publication image 

The paper notes a decline in the visible allyship that occurred in the lead up to and following the marriage equality postal survey, and observes that some organisations and individuals may be unsure of what constitutes being an 'active ally'.

"To help organisations that may just be starting to consider allyship as part of their diversity and inclusion initiatives, we've grouped practical actions under four key themes: Visibility, Education, Empowerment and Engagement, and Advocacy. Each considers where organisations may be at currently on their LGBTIQ inclusion path, and what constitutes being a leader in this area," said Phil. "It's about giving organisations a benchmark and practical tools so they can measure their progress, at whatever stage their allyship network is at."

Download the paper here.  

Allyship is a key part of Clayton Utz's LGTBIQ program, with around 30 per cent of our people (over 400) proud to identify as active LGBTIQ allies. We are a member of Pride in Diversity and were named an AWEI Gold Employer from 2017-2020, achieving Platinum Qualifier status in 2021 in recognition of our progress with our LGBTIQ initiatives and advocacy.

Clayton Utz's Director of Diversity and Inclusion Alison Woolsey said showing leadership in LGBTIQ inclusion and promoting the role of allies was important to us.

We're proud of our progress to date - and we want to make sure we're part of continuing to drive the conversation and be part of the solution to promoting greater LGBTIQ inclusion in the workplace.

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