Case Study: Completing a Privacy Impact Assessment for the Department of Health

The background
At the time that My Aged Care was being rolled out we undertook a Privacy Impact Assessment of the Aged Care Gateway project. We advised the Health Department on the interaction of Commonwealth, State and Territory public sector privacy and health privacy regimes, including the exchange of treatment information between Commonwealth, State and private medical practitioners and hospitals.
Our services
We prepared the initial PIA in the early stages of the project which meant that we focused on understanding the general ways in which information would be collected, used and disclosed.
We worked seamlessly with the project team and privacy team including the Department's legal team to develop recommendations which improved privacy outcomes and were practical from a systems point-of-view.
We have subsequently also been engaged over many years to complete a number of PIA Addenda and Updates in relation to a newer release of the Gateway, changes to facilitate the proposed streamlining of aged care assessments and changes made to the Gateway to facilitate access for state public and private hospital staff to client information held in My Aged Care.