Case Study: Driving Innovation: Supporting a Zero Emissions Future

The Background

We advised the Victorian Department of Treasury and Finance (Vic DTF) on an innovative contract model for the deployment of 140 electric vehicle charging stations.

The deployment forms a key part of the Victorian Government's Zero Emissions Vehicle Program, a pilot project to transition 400 vehicles within the Government fleet (VicFleet) to zero emission vehicles. The contract model allows Government to prioritise and stagger installations across nominated Government buildings and sites and roll in additional sites as electric vehicle take-up increases.

The Significance

It is anticipated that the new contract model will be used to roll out further electric vehicle changing stations across government buildings and sites, as additional electric vehicle models are added to the VicFleet Approved Vehicle List or as they become available via exemptions, and the demand for charging infrastructure increases.

Commenting on the project, Major Projects Consultant Peter Holcombe Henley said:

"The new contract form integrates components from standard construction and e-services templates to form a new bespoke contract that facilitates civil construction, electrical works and IT delivery activities equally effectively. Despite the relatively low unit cost of installation for electric vehicle chargers when compared with other government infrastructure projects, the critical role played by digital and software components for the effective operation of the charging stations creates a complex risk profile for both their installation and ongoing operation. "This matter builds on Clayton Utz's long-standing support for the development of Vic DTF's public sector construction contracts and wider operational technology procurements and roll outs by Victorian government agencies, and emphasises our ability to support clients on emerging infrastructure opportunities utilising our market-leading expertise and deep understanding of Government contracting requirements.

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