Compulsory Acquisition of Land Compensation Masterclass and Workshop (Phase 2 – Compensation)

Our presenters will explore the principles of assessing and determining compensation payable under the Acquisition of Land Act 1967, including assessing the value of land, loss of profits claims, relocation claims and disturbance costs.


Our experienced presenters will take you through the more complex principles of assessing and determining compensation payable under the Acquisition of Land Act 1967, followed by a networking lunch allowing participants to meet other attendees and our presenters. In the afternoon, you will have the opportunity to apply your skills in a series of workshops.

Under the compulsory acquisition statutory framework, a constructing authority must pay compensation to the land owner and other persons with an interest in land that has been compulsorily acquired.

Assessing the compensation payable is never as simple as determining the market value of the property. There are a range of other factors that affect the proper assessment of compensation in the compulsory acquisition context.

Our presenters will explore the principles of assessing and determining compensation payable under the Acquisition of Land Act 1967, including assessing the value of land, loss of profits claims, relocation claims and disturbance costs.

The workshop component is designed to hone your skills and give you practical experience in assessing compensation under the Acquisition of Land Act 1967.

You will be provided with a hypothetical scenario based on our presenters' extensive experience with infrastructure projects, together with a number of topics for discussion during the workshop.

This workshop is designed to place participants in the role of an officer assessing a complex claim for compensation.

Who should attend

Personnel in government departments, Government-owned corporations, statutory authorities and local governments involved in, or with an interest in, land acquisition issues.

Those who have attended our other training sessions on the compulsory acquisition of land.

What we will cover

  • Who has a right to claim compensation
  • Assessing the value of land (including severance and injurious affection) and impact of an easement
  • Assessing disturbance costs including:
    • loss of profits
    • relocation costs
    • professional fees
  • Entitlement to and calculation of interest.

What you will learn

  • You will learn how to assess compensation claims in the context of valuing land, interests in land and businesses under the Acquisition of Land Act 1967
  • You will put these skills into practise in the workshop component
  • You will benefit from the knowledge and experience of other attendees as well as our experienced presenters
  • You will have the opportunity to mingle with other like-minded professionals during the catered lunch break.

Event Details

DateRegister your interest

Time: 8.45am for 9.00am - 3.00pm

Clayton Utz Brisbane

Cost: Inc GST
$1,617 per person
$1,454 per person if booking two weeks before the workshop
$1,375 per person if in a group of three or more

Further information:

Phone: 1800 882 110
Email [email protected]

Get in touch

What our clients say

Compulsory Acquisition of Land Compensation Masterclass and Workshop (Phase 2  Compensation)

Presenters were wonderful. Experts in their field and explained very well.

Both presenters very knowledgeable and excellent presentation skills.

Great course. Provided deeper understanding of all matters pertaining to compulsory acquisition of land.


Support when you need it most

As a participant of our program you'll have comfort in knowing that you can depend on us for ongoing support. Whether it be two weeks or two years after the workshop, you can call us at any time for a short, no-cost consultation.

Recommended CPD point allocation: 5 points  (excluding WA).
If this particular educational activity is relevant to your immediate or long term needs in relation to your professional development and practice of the law, then you should claim one CPD unit for each hour of attendance, refreshment breaks not included. Please contact your Professional Body for your state.