Introduction to Right to Information, Information Privacy and Public Records

This workshop will provide you with an understanding of the regulatory frameworks established by the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) (RTI Act), the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) and the Public Records Act 2002 (Qld).


The regulatory framework surrounding the amendment, access, storage and management of government information has been the subject of significant reform in recent times.

This workshop will provide you with an understanding of the regulatory frameworks established by the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) (RTI Act), the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) and the Public Records Act 2002 (Qld). It will explore the key elements of the three Acts and provide you with an understanding of the how they inter-relate and operate to collectedly establish the Queensland Government’s information law regulatory framework.

Who should attend

  • Information / Right to Information (RTI) officers and decision-makers
  • Officers responsible for recordkeeping and file management
  • In-house lawyers
  • Corporate services managers and staff
  • Operations managers
  • Human resources managers.

What we will cover


  • Key concepts and definitions
  • The application process including the procedures in processing and application
  • The exemption process and the key exemptions
  • The public interest test exemptions
  • Role and powers of the Information Commissioner
  • Recent developments and emerging issues.

IP Act

  • Government agencies and entities subject to the Act
  • Key concepts and definitions
  • Chapter 2 – Privacy Principles
  • Chapter 3 – Personal information access and amendment regime
  • The relationship between the RTI Act and the IP Act
  • Available exemptions under Chapter 3
  • Privacy complaints
  • Roles and powers of the Information Commissioner.

Public Records Act

  • What is a record?
  • Managing electronic messages and electronic records
  • Role of the State Archivist
  • Information Standards and Best Practice Guidelines.

What you will learn

You’ll develop an understanding of:

  • The Queensland Government information law regulatory framework including the operation of the RTI, Information Privacy and Public Records Acts
  • The relationship between the three Acts
  • The emerging issues and trends in the information law context.

Event Details

Date: Dates are scheduled on a needs basis.  To register your interest please click the registration button below or email [email protected]

Time: 8.45am for 9.00am - 12.45pm

Clayton Utz Brisbane


Cost: Inc GST
$808 per person
$727 per person if booking two weeks before the workshop
$687 per person if in a group of three or more

Further information:
Phone 1800 882 110
email [email protected].


Get in touch

What our clients say

Introduction to Right to Information, Information Privacy and Public Records workshop

The workshop had greater depth than I expected and is one that I will recommend highly to others in my organisation. The resources provided are of great quality and I look forward to using them and applying them.

Very clear presenter with excellent knowledge on the topic and great examples relevant to the group. Take home material very useful and well laid out.

Good balance between general overview and specifics. Clear presentation. Materials will make an excellent and accessible resource.

Resources were very good. Presenter had excellent knowledge base and were responsive to the group.

Due to the practical nature of the examples there will be opportunity to apply the knowledge gained to improve our procedures and compliance.


Support when you need it most

As a participant of our program you'll have comfort in knowing that you can depend on us for ongoing support. Whether it be two weeks or two years after the workshop, you can call us at any time for a short, no-cost consultation.

Recommended CPD point allocation: 3 points  (excluding WA).
If this particular educational activity is relevant to your immediate or long term needs in relation to your professional development and practice of the law, then you should claim one CPD unit for each hour of attendance, refreshment breaks not included. Please contact your Professional Body for your state.