Insights for April 2017
13/04/2017 - Anti-bullying vs disciplinary process: Fair Work Commission asked to find the balance
13/04/2017 - Getting to no - making sure your negative option billing program is lawful
13/04/2017 - Recent progress in Australian trade deals: ChAFTA, RCEP, the EU and India
13/04/2017 - Senior employees and managers cry "adverse action!" at every turn
13/04/2017 - Unfair dismissal case confirms the importance of trust and confidence
19/04/2017 - International Comparative Legal Guide - Litigation 2017
19/04/2017 - High Court won't hear case on IP licences surviving the end of the contract
27/04/2017 - Attention generators and retailers: How will the proposed Five Minute Settlement rule change impact on your electricity hedges?
27/04/2017 - Cyber Health Check Report – the view from the top
27/04/2017 - New school technology, old school principles: process still fundamental in social media age
27/04/2017 - Not my job! How important is it to identify the person who caused the breach of a NSW EPA licence?
27/04/2017 - Playing by the rules: the law of social media competitions and promotions
27/04/2017 - Reminder to directors: Legal advice to the company may be subject to your claim for legal professional privilege, unless…