Insights for March 2020

05/03/2020 - ACCC's 2020 priorities: Digital economy, construction, electricity and food suppliers all under the microscope 05/03/2020 - Administrative law updater: Can the heading of a statutory provision be used to help interpret the text? 05/03/2020 - Amendments to Franchising Code of Conduct affecting automotive sector 05/03/2020 - ASIC and APRA provide update on post-Financial Services Royal Commission regulation 05/03/2020 - Burger beef: In-N-Out beats Down-N-Out in their recent branding stoush 05/03/2020 - Bushfires, floods and coronavirus COVID-19: Does your contract's force majeure clause provide any relief? 05/03/2020 - Clearing the air on contractual obligations: lessons learned from bushfire smoke and WHS-related delays 05/03/2020 - Environment and Planning 5 Minute Fix 08 05/03/2020 - Extended civil liability for institutional physical abuse 05/03/2020 - Fires and floods: NSW local government procurement powers in times of crisis 05/03/2020 - Major projects & construction 5 Minute Fix 48 05/03/2020 - Misuse of confidential information by public sector agencies: the case for reform 05/03/2020 - Out of the director shadows to imprisonment: the lessons for insolvency practitioners from the Kleenmaid prosecution 05/03/2020 - Real estate: 5 Minute Fix 09 05/03/2020 - Reforming the Northern Territory planning system – have your say 05/03/2020 - The Constitutional limits on defining an "alien" 05/03/2020 - The protection of personal information in coronial proceedings 05/03/2020 - Tracking compliance with the Indigenous Procurement Policy 05/03/2020 - Trade promotion lotteries: proposed regulation to lift administrative burden in NSW 06/03/2020 - Chambers Global Practice Guide Fintech - 2020 06/03/2020 - ASX updates its continuous disclosure guidance after Australia's first judgment for a shareholder class action 06/03/2020 - Australia's first judgment in a shareholder class action endorses market-based causation and more 17/03/2020 - Australia unveils new licensing regime for foreign financial services providers, and transition starts soon 19/03/2020 - Procuring when an emergency strikes – altered procurement obligations and opportunities at the NSW and Federal levels 20/03/2020 - COVID-19: Protecting your most vulnerable workers when they need it most 24/03/2020 - Directors to get insolvent trading relief, but debt recovery toughened, under temporary COVID-19 measures 25/03/2020 - NSW COVID-19 Emergency Measures Act to provide rent and termination relief for tenants in NSW 25/03/2020 - Radical changes to NSW planning and local government laws to help with COVID-19 27/03/2020 - Are you frustrated? What does COVID-19 mean for your lease? 27/03/2020 - Queensland closes borders and requires persons entering Queensland to quarantine for 14 days 30/03/2020 - Changes to foreign investment review in Australia under temporary COVID-19 measures 31/03/2020 - COVID-19 wage subsidy plan: traps for employers who rush workforce changes