Perspectives on Closing Loopholes with Clayton Utz

Join Partners Shae McCartney and Matt Kelleher in our new vodcast series to help our clients better understand the raft of recent industrial relations changes in Australia, Perspectives on Closing Loopholes with Clayton Utz. This series aims to provide our clients with different perspectives from key industry stakeholders, who will discuss what the changes will mean to employers, employees and participants in the industrial relations system.
Episode 5: Perspectives on Closing Loopholes with Anna Booth
In our fifth episode of Perspectives on Closing Loopholes with Clayton Utz, partners, Shae McCartney and Matt Kelleher are joined by Fair Work Ombudsman, Anna Booth.
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Episode 4: Perspectives on Closing Loopholes with Jessica Tinsley
In our fourth episode of Perspectives on Closing Loopholes with Clayton Utz, partners, Shae McCartney and Matt Kelleher are joined by Jessica Tinsley, the Director of Workplace Relations and General Counsel of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI).
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Episode 3: Perspectives on Closing Loopholes with Barrister Frank Parry KC
In our third episode of Perspectives on Closing Loopholes with Clayton Utz, partners, Shae McCartney and Matt Kelleher are joined by Barrister Frank Parry KC, a pre-eminent silk in industrial relations and employment law.
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Episode 2: Perspectives on Closing Loopholes with Professor Ron McCallum AO and Dr Graham Smith
In the second episode, we are joined by Professor Ron McCallum AO, a leading legal academic in industrial and employment law; and Dr Graham Smith, Consultant at Clayton Utz. Listen as some of the sharpest legal minds in the country, provide us with the legal academic perspectives to help us better understand the raft of recent industrial relations changes in Australia.
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Episode 1: Perspectives on Closing Loopholes with Fair Work Commission President, Justice Hatcher
In this first episode, we are privileged to be joined by Fair Work Commission President, Justice Hatcher, who discusses the valuable perspectives of the Fair Work Commission and the role the Commission will play in respect of these changes.
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