Webinar: Sleepless nights: The challenging issues storming up board agendas
Another year of ever increasing regulatory and public scrutiny is behind us and with companies and markets still recovering from the impacts of COVID-19, the continuing challenges and increasing pressures on directors have never been greater. With that comes equally growing pressure on GCs in advising their boards and senior management on the issues keeping them up at night, be it rising insurance costs, shareholder activism, regulatory intervention, cyber security, customer demands, succession planning, ESG, climate change, occupational health and safety, economic risks, talent retention, reputation and more?
Hear from company directors as we explore current and emerging priority issues which boards are grappling with, along with some high level insights about how they're dealing with them.
Panellists: Eva Skira AM, Non-Executive Director, Peter Johnston, Non-Executive Director, Peter Watson, Managing Director, Head of Perth Office, Goldman Sachs and Mark Paganin, Partner, Clayton Utz
Moderator: Stephen Neale, Special Counsel, Clayton Utz