Chris Davis

Clayton Utz
Partner Canberra

An expert in the delivery of large, complex projects and procurements for the Australian Government, particularly the Department of Defence, Chris works closely with project teams and other specialist advisers to provide practical and pragmatic commercial advice. He is an expert at identifying and providing solutions for contracting and management issues. Chris also works closely with contract management teams post-contract execution, resolving contractual disputes through his deep understanding of risk, risk mitigation, liability and insurance.

Chris is also a highly experienced probity adviser, ensuring procurement and grant programs successfully and efficiently achieve defensible outcomes.

Notable Work
  • Department of Defence: acting on multiple procurement and contract management/disputes including in relation to:
    • maritime acquisition, sustainment and asset management;
    • guided weapons and explosive ordnance acquisition, sustainment and capability development;
    • aircraft acquisition, management and sustainment;
    • ICT and C3/C4 systems acquisition and sustainment;
    • major services; and
    • disposal of excess and superseded equipment.
  • Commonwealth Department of Health: acting in the procurements of:
    • essential vaccines for supply on the National Immunisation Program;
    • online health information and telephone/call centre services;
    • the Australian GP Training Program; and
    • GP Super Clinics Program.
  • Australian Border Force: acting on multiple air and marine capability contracts to support ABF's air and maritime operations and on major service contracts.
  • Australian Electoral Commission: advised on Tranche 1 of its ICT Modernisation Program.
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: advised on its procurement of security equipment, security management (including guarding and logistics) and armoured vehicles to support overseas and domestic posts.
  • Commonwealth agencies: probity adviser on procurement and grant application program, including to Department of Home Affairs, Department of Industry Science and Resources, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Department of Defence and the APVMA.
  • Australian Government agencies: in-house secondments, including Department of Defence (Legal, CASG and CIOG), Customs and the ACCC.
  • Agencies: template drafting and policy development for multiple agencies.
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