Deepa Thakkar

Clayton Utz
FTS Senior Manager Sydney

Deepa is a specialist in cybersecurity, with a focus on data governance, data privacy, privacy laws, compliance and security frameworks. With over a decade of experience, she has a strong track record of supporting clients across the health, banking, capital markets, education and consumer sectors in Australia, India and the USA.

Her deep expertise in designing robust security frameworks, data governance frameworks and ensuring compliance with global privacy laws has made her a trusted adviser to clients seeking to enhance their cybersecurity posture and safeguard sensitive data.

Notable Work
  • Privacy compliance: led numerous current state assessments for various clients, ensuring compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and the Australia Privacy Act. Her work involves assessing current states, identifying gaps, providing actionable recommendations, and developing privacy roadmaps to enhance maturity and compliance.
  • Data governance: assists clients in identifying and managing data types within their organisations. Deepa works with business groups to determine data processing purposes, security controls, and retention periods. She also supports data minimisation efforts based on retention and classification requirements.
  • Privacy programs: experience in evaluating clients' security, including privacy programs related to third-party service providers. She identifies gaps and recommends improvements to mature the security and privacy environment.
  • Security maturity and framework: led and managed security maturity assessment programs, designed security frameworks, and implemented cybersecurity policies and procedures.
  • Cyber risk and compliance: led and managed a team in assessing cyber risks and controls to ensure compliance with GDPR and the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) requirements. Based on the assessment, recommendations and an implementation roadmap were provided.
Data breaches up, so protecting yourself is crucial, says new OAIC Report
17 Sep 2024 | Article
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