Governance & Risk Management
Heavily regulated governance and risk management frameworks are difficult to navigate and are constantly evolving. Individual accountability should be enough to ensure a strong governance and risk management framework. Unfortunately, it's not. Regulators are present and expectations are increasing to ensure your governance model is sound and your risk management systems are compliant.

We assist in identifying risks, even before they become risks, and how to mitigate these moving forward. Our approach to governance and risk management frameworks is simple, be ahead of the curve. Together with our forensic technology services team we are well versed in creating solutions that allow you to develop and implement programs and build compliance technology solutions so that you are able constantly to keep your finger to the pulse. We have the knowledge and expertise to identify shortfalls in your frameworks and the ability to work with you to amend, adjust or develop solutions to manage regulatory change that may affect your business model.
A client praises the practice s exceptional quality of work and strong technical knowledge further describing the team as reliable
– Chambers Asia Pacific
Major Australian Banks and financial institutions
Advising a number of financial institutions on BEAR including designing and enhancing operating models in light of BEAR compliance and have undertaken significant full scale internal BEAR investigations.
APRA Inquiry
We advised CBA in relation to all aspects of APRA's Prudential Inquiry into its governance, culture and accountability, particularly the bank's approach in dealing with non-financial risks. As a result, we have developed market-leading understanding of the legal issues associated with governance, culture and accountability in the financial services industry.
Life insurer
Advised the board of a life insurer on a range of matters associated with its separation from a group of financial institutions.
BEAR / FAR Compliance
We have advised a major Australian bank on the design and implementation of systems, processes and frameworks to comply with the Banking Executive Accountability Regime (BEAR), including working with clients to achieve best practice post initial operationalisation and advising on the proposed changes to be introduced under the transition to the Financial Accountability Regime (FAR).
Directors and Officers Duties
Provide regular advice to Boards and senior executives on director and officer duties.