• Australian offshore wind guide 2.0 - Australia’s national regulatory framework for offshore energy came into effect in June 2022. Since then, there has been a flurry of activity in the offshore wind sector with domestic and international developers announcing new projects almost every week. This includes Copenhagen Energy’s proposal to develop four 3GW offshore windfarms, which will be the largest in Australia if they go ahead.
  • Class Actions in Australia – Frequently asked questions - Clayton Utz has a market leading class action practice, with expertise developed over nearly three decades of defending class actions of all shapes and sizes: product liability, negligence, financial products and services, automotive and shareholder, to name a few. As a result we understand class action procedure and can answer the questions which commonly concern our clients with the benefit of deep and wide experience. This FAQ addresses the questions which, in our experience, are commonly asked by our clients, but we would be more than happy to discuss any further questions you may have.
  • CU Safe - The first 48 hours after a serious safety or environmental incident are the most important – but also the most demanding. Even experienced environment and safety professionals and management can find themselves and their incident response process derailed by the increased and conflicting demands and priorities – and that means the interests and safety of workers, protection of the environment and the company's legal position are at risk.
  • Dawn Raid App - Whether it's the ACCC, ASIC or the ATO, a regulator arriving at your premises to conduct a dawn raid will be a surprise and leave you reeling.
  • FAR e-Learning Hub - The Financial Accountability Regime (FAR) replaces the old Banking Executive Accountability Regime (BEAR), which applied only to authorised deposit taking institutions (ADIs). The FAR extends the provisions of the BEAR from ADIs to registered superannuation licensees and all general, life, and private health insurers.
  • Generative AI - Legal questions to maximise safe and effective innovation
  • From Red to Black 2023 - Welcome to the 2023 edition of From Red to Black in which we analyse key developments in the Australian restructuring market.
  • From Red to Black 2024 - Welcome to the 2024 edition of From Red to Black in which we analyse key developments in the Australian restructuring market.
  • Doing Business In Australia - This guide provides an overview of Australia's economic, legal and regulatory environment, and practical advice on doing business in Australia.
  • オーストラリアにおけるビジネス展開 - 「オーストラリアにおけるビジネス展開」と題する本稿は、オーストラリアにおいて事業機会を求める投資家や事業者のために作成されたものです。 本稿では、対オーストラリア投資を成功に導く機会を最大限に活用するために、知っておいた方が良い法律や規制を網羅し、その概略を述べています。 法律や商慣習は絶えず変化していますので、本稿はあくまで入門書としてのみご参照下さい。具体的な投資判断の際には、事前に専門家のアドバイスを受けて下さい。専門家のアドバイスが必要な場合、クレイトン・ユッツ法律事務所は、様々なビジネス分野において、クライアントの皆様を支援・助言させていただくことが可能です。 本稿に含まれる情報が皆様のお役に立つことを願っております。オーストラリアにおけるビジネス展開に関して、より詳細な情報あるいはアドバイスが必要な場合には、当事務所にご連絡下さい。
  • Australian M&A the Offshore Investors Tax Roadmap - At every step of the way, Federal and State tax regimes can be a pothole – or an opportunity to get an edge on the competition – on the road to a successful investment in Australia. With a clear roadmap to potential opportunities and issues, tax laws can smooth the way and help you get to your destination quicker.
  • International Arbitration Lecture - The International Arbitration Lecture series attracts guest speakers from the four corners of the world to give their insights into the challenges facing international arbitration.
  • M&A Report November 2022 - As we anticipated, stronger headwinds, interest rate and inflation rises, supply chain challenges and deepening geopolitical tensions have impacted not only the number of deals getting done but the structuring of deals.
  • Retail leases comparative analysis - Retail leases comparative analysis
  • Secure jobs, better pay: your guide to the reforms - Discover the key issues, and the changes you may need to make in the coming months.
  • Your Litigation 101 toolkit - When you are managing a dispute or litigation, a refresher of key litigation concepts and principles can help you start on the front foot and stay ahead of the curve.
  • Your Public Law essentials toolkit - For government decision-makers, administrative law can be bewildering, with its legal jargon and unfamiliar concepts.