Practical human rights for government decision-makers


The Human Rights Act 2019 has fundamentally altered the way government entities make decisions in Queensland. All public entities must ensure they:

  • properly consider human rights when making decisions; and
  • ensure their policies, plans, procedures and decisions are compatible with human rights.

A failure to meet these obligations makes a decision unlawful.

But what does it practically mean to give proper consideration, and to make decisions compatible with human rights?

This half-day workshop will equip attendees with the practical skills and knowledge to fulfil their human rights obligations, conduct robust human rights impact assessments, and effectively manage the risks.

Who should attend

  • This workshop is for anyone (not just lawyers) involved in developing legislation and policy for the government or making decisions that potentially affect the human rights recognised by the Human Rights Act.

What we will cover

  • Analysis of the latest cases and learnings from the implementation of the Human Rights Act and likely future trends;
  • A deep dive into the intended scope of the key rights relevant to the public sector; and
  • How to apply the rights to real life situations, including carrying out a robust human rights impact assessment and proportionality analysis.

What you will learn

  • We will cover the key takeaways from the recent cases which are that to reduce the risk of a successful human rights challenge, public entity decision-makers must:
    • be able to identify all relevant human rights that may be impacted by the decision; and
    • provide cogent and persuasive documentary evidence to demonstrate that any limitation on a relevant human right is reasonable and justifiable.

Event Details

Dates: 10 June, 12 November

Time: 8.45am for 9.00am - 12.45pm

Clayton Utz Brisbane

Cost: Inc GST
$844 per person
$760 per person if booking two weeks before the workshop
$717 per person if in a group of three or more 

Further information:
Phone 1800 882 110
Email [email protected]

Meet the trainers

What our clients say

Practical human rights for government decision-makers

Provided good overview and understanding of how to properly consider human rights.

Was really great in terms of in-depth knowledge and insight into rights and case law. Appreciated the detail and tailoring to education context

It was a great workshop that did well to simplify the process. Thank you.

Support when you need it most

As a participant of our program you'll have comfort in knowing that you can depend on us for ongoing support. Whether it be two weeks or two years after the workshop, you can call us at any time for a short, no-cost consultation.

Recommended CPD point allocation: 3 points (excluding WA).
If this particular educational activity is relevant to your immediate or long term needs in relation to your professional development and practice of the law, then you should claim one CPD unit for each hour of attendance, refreshment breaks not included. Please contact your Professional Body for your state.